Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

It is hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone.  It is even harder to believe that 2010 - an entire year - is already behind us!  In some regard, I am thankful that it went by so quickly and effortlessly.  At the same time, I don't like to think that I sat idlely by while my life and the gifts God has given me went under used.  If anything, this New Year offers us all a clean slate and an opportunity to really reflect on what God has done and where we can be better disciples of His Gospel message in the future.

2011 holds many unknown challenges and so it is important that we recommit and truly resolve, as Catholics and Christians, to give our faith lives the attention they deserve.  In part for personal gain, but more importantly, out of love for God and love of neighbor.  It is always easier to hear this line, then actually do it, but I think (a) knowing we are not alone in the journey and (b) suffering out of love for others is part and partial to our Catholic identity. 

With these thoughts, I leave you with a video of the student leaders from Catholic Campus Ministry at the National Catholic Student Coalition (NCSC) Conference in St. Louis, MO.  One of the nights they participated in 'Regional Olympics.'  Pitt-Johnstown was well represented and we brought home the gold for the Northeast Region of the U.S.  We dominated this event, which is due, in large part, to the 'duck-duck-goose' game we played at CCC a month and a half prior.  Enjoy!

Prayers during these last few days of Christmas!

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